admin, Author at Edge Linking

Is Your Lead Generation Strategy Riding the Data Wave to Success?

Is Your Lead Generation Strategy Riding the Data Wave to Success? Transform your lead generation efforts with data-driven strategies. Laying the Groundwork  Identify and collect relevant customer data. Use data management tools for organization and analysis. Precision Targeting Importance of market segmentation using reliable data. Sources of data: customer interactions, second-party, and third-party data. Critical data points: demographics, life stage, financial status, buying habits. Automation for Efficiency Use marketing automation for personalized upsell and cross-sell campaigns. Automate repetitive tasks: emails, social media posts, push notifications, SMS campaigns. Benefits: real-time tracking, optimized messaging, improved ROI. Continuous Improvement Set clear goals and metrics: conversion rate, cost per lead, lead quality. Use tools: web analytics, CRM systems, automation platforms. Optimize troug patterns, trends, and user beavior analytics. Tracking Success Regular monitoring and reporting to track campaign progress.  Higligt key performance metrics and trends. Use data to determine ROI and campaign efficiency. Embrace data to reach the right audience, personalize campaigns, and increase conversions.  Ready to give an Edge to your brand ? Visit Us at

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A web page (or webpage) is a document on the Web that is accessed in a web browser. Ready to tackle the million-dollar question: Can account-based marketing and advertising strategies speed up deal closures and cut costs by embracing the complexity of customer interactions? The answer is absolutely! Our guide, “B2B Metrics of Engagement: How to Measure & Act on Customer Journey Insights,” breaks down how you can leverage these strategies for your business. Here’s a peek at what you’ll find inside: Unlocking ABM: Learn how account-based strategies not only target those high-value leads but also navigate the twists and turns of the customer journey to make your marketing efforts sharp and cost-effective. Key Metrics: Discover the essential metrics, like Target Account List (TAL) reach and engagement rates, that can transform your strategic approach. Early Buying Signals: Get the scoop on spotting and acting on buying signals through intent data. Revenue Impact: Measure how your marketing tactics are directly affecting your revenue and pipeline growth. Whether you’re looking to hone your targeting or enhance your engagement, this guide delivers the insights you need to fine-tune your marketing strategies and boost your business outcomes. Grab your copy today and start mastering the art of B2B marketing!

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B2B Metrics of Engagement: How to Measure & Act on Customer Journey Insights

B2B Metrics of Engagement: How to Measure & Act on Customer Journey Insights Ready to tackle the million-dollar question: Can account-based marketing and advertising strategies speed up deal closures and cut costs by embracing the complexity of customer interactions? The answer is absolutely! Our guide, “B2B Metrics of Engagement: How to Measure & Act on Customer Journey Insights,” breaks down how you can leverage these strategies for your business. Here’s a peek at what you’ll find inside: Unlocking ABM: Learn how account-based strategies not only target those high-value leads but also navigate the twists and turns of the customer journey to make your marketing efforts sharp and cost-effective. Key Metrics: Discover the essential metrics, like Target Account List (TAL) reach and engagement rates, that can transform your strategic approach. Early Buying Signals: Get the scoop on spotting and acting on buying signals through intent data. Revenue Impact: Measure how your marketing tactics are directly affecting your revenue and pipeline growth. Whether you’re looking to hone your targeting or enhance your engagement, this guide delivers the insights you need to fine-tune your marketing strategies and boost your business outcomes. Grab your copy today and start mastering the art of B2B marketing!  

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The Value of Supply Chain Technology

The Value of Supply Chain Technology According to a recent Gartner® report, “Supporting digital supply chain transformation with the use of emerging technologies remains a top-funded initiative for supply chain organizations.” By 2028, 25% of supply chain KPI reporting will be powered by GenAI models. Only 10% of companies believe that technology is not a source of competitive advantage. Nearly one-third of respondents to a Gartner survey2 said that technology is critical to the success and growth of their business. With 34% of respondents identifying improving decision-making speed, quality and robustness as one of the top three goals driving their investments in emerging/new technologies, this supports the prediction that GenAI will play a major role in supply chain solutions over the next few years. Gartner identified four major areas of emerging technology investment: LaborAddressing rising labor costs and labor shortages by supplementing, enhancing or replacing humans with technology and automation that can perform tasks independently. IntelligenceLeveraging technology to make better, faster and more enlightened decisions. EdgeLooking at technology architectures that blend the value of applications in the cloud with the responsiveness and performance of technologies sitting at the edge. SecurityAddressing cyber risks associated with digital and cyber-physical systems prevalent in supply chain organizations today.  

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Industrial Analytics Give Manufacturers Immediate Value

Industrial Analytics Give Manufacturers Immediate Value Leverage Advanced Technology to Scale Your Business. Many manufacturers still do analysis with spreadsheets and dashboards from homegrown systems—a slow and resource-heavy operation. In the LNS report “Advanced Industrial Analytics: 4 Proven Strategies to Scale Transformation During Uncertain Times,” you’ll learn the benefits of a connected organization, including: Bringing together data from your shop floor and enterprise systems to feed analytics in the cloud. Aggregating unstructured data from image files, logs, and video, to enable complex algorithms that support advanced automation. Blending rules-based analysis with machine learning and artificial intelligence models for descriptive, prescriptive, and prognostic modeling. Get the report and watch the webcast now.

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8 Steps to selecting the right manufacturing ERP System

8 Steps to selecting the right manufacturing ERP System Download the quick outline summary in 8 steps to select the right manufacturing ERP system. An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a series of software applications or modules that collects data from your sales, purchasing, finance, inventory, supply chain, manufacturing, and quality functions into a common database. As a unified enterprise, your company is ready to share information, coordinate activities, and collaborate. If you’re looking for your first manufacturing ERP system or looking to upgrade from an existing system, our 8-step guide helps take the mystery out of reviewing, evaluating, and selecting the ERP that’s right for your business. You’ll learn the key points to consider on your way to streamlining operations, enhancing efficiency, and driving results.

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Forrester Consulting research: Regaining control with a connectivity cloud

Forrester Consulting research: Regaining control with a connectivity cloud How a new type of cloud can tame IT and security complexity Securing modern work has never been more complicated. With the rise of “work-from-anywhere”, the public cloud and the public Internet, IT and security teams are tasked with connecting and protecting an infinite permutation of users, devices, networks and applications. All of these domains have differing requirements and provide less visibility and control than legacy on-premise environments. In August 2023, Cloudflare commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate the growing complexity of IT and security operations. In a survey to global IT and security decision makers, the research firm found that their responsibilities have significantly increased and grown in complexity over the last three years. The additional complexity has caused organisations to lose control over their digital environments, resulting in consequential impacts to the business.   Download this Forrester Consulting thought leadership paper, “Regaining control with a connectivity cloud: How a new type of cloud can tame IT and security complexity” to learn about:   The loss of control IT and security teams are experiencing. The impact lost control has on productivity, customer experience, time-to-market, and more.  How an “any-to-any” connectivity cloud can help tame complexity.

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The Buyer’s Guide to SASE Use Cases

The Buyer’s Guide to SASE Use Cases How to find your starting point and evaluate vendors? Find the starting point to your SASE journey with “The Buyer’s Guide to SASE Use Cases.” We created this in-depth guide to help heads of networking and IT/security buyers: Facilitate cross-functional discussions about “quick wins” (we have suggested 20 key use cases), within the context of your long-term roadmaps. Plan vendor conversations with sample questions to ask about technical architectures (interface, network, compute, storage). Evaluate SASE options with “things to consider” for each core component and platform type. If you are responsible for your organisation’s digital modernisation strategy, optimising IT costs, delivering highly-performant and secure modern networks or improving threat resilience, “The Buyer’s Guide to SASE Use Cases” is for you. Download Now.

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Hope on the horizon: How to build a better cybersecurity posture during economic uncertainty

Hope on the horizon: How to build a better cybersecurity posture during economic uncertainty Organisations are facing economic uncertainty as the outlook grows more unpredictable. This uncertainty — often exemplified by shrinking budgets — puts pressure on CIOs and technical leaders to find new paths forward.  Fortunately, leaders who strategise to weather the storm by proactively re-aligning budgets, redefining processes for efficiency, and continuing planned growth without a substantial increase in resources can still find themselves well-positioned once the uncertain times subside.  Read this whitepaper to learn:   Navigating the economic climate when approaching cybersecurity posture. 5 ways leaders can de-risk their business on a budget.  How Cloudflare helps secure anything connected to the Internet. 

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Connectivity Cloud, Explained

Connectivity Cloud, Explained The executive’s guide to regaining IT and security control Tech leaders are expected to make it possible to work, develop, and deliver everything, everywhere. Yet, they are also expected to fix the resulting IT and security challenges: reduced visibility, an expanded attack surface, slower development and higher costs.  A connectivity cloud is the new way to regain control of your IT and security stack. It delivers unified visibility and control — all while reducing complexity, cost and risk.  Download “Connectivity Cloud, Explained” to explore:  The four components of the connectivity cloud model.   Three key business benefits of using a connectivity cloud. Cloudflare’s connectivity cloud capabilities — plus real examples of how they’ve accelerated our customers’ businesses.  Regain control over your environment, no matter where your workforces, apps, data or networks reside. Learn how.   

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