The Ultimate Account-Based Guide to RollWorks - Edge Linking The Ultimate Account-Based Guide to RollWorks - Edge Linking

The Ultimate Account-Based Guide to RollWorks

Looking for account-based plays to run in 2024? Want to align teams behind one account-based strategy? And why are we saying “account-based” instead of “ABM”?

Enter The Account-Based Guide to RollWorks — where we’ll show you why the account-based funnel can help close almost 11% of accounts targeted. * (Compared to less than 1% close rates from a traditional funnel)

No matter your sophistication, see how you can close deals faster to:

  • Identify your ideal customer profile and accounts you’re most likely to win. 
  • Engage accounts in concert with your sales teams.
  • Measure your impact and show off how you’re closing deals faster.
  • … and more.

Kopis implemented an ABM strategy and won 70% more leads. Okta converted opportunities at a 24X higher rate with ABM campaigns. You can too.

This guide details how the data-backed, machine-learning power of account-based tech can transform your business. 


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